Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christian Dior Perfume ADDICT Causes a Stir
The new force in the fight against addiction, a recovery rights group is fighting against designer Christian Dior for calling its new perfume 'Dior Addict' and using the line "Will you admit it?" and "Get hooked on Dior's new fragrance" for marketing purposes. After meeting with representatives of the addiction and recovery community in New York, Christian Dior President Claude Martinez said that the company would not rename the product, but the tagline "admit it" would no longer be used for marketing purposes. Martinez also said that "Dior Addict" perfume used that campaign simply to imply that the Dior "brand and lifestyle" can be addicting. Christian Dior claims that the company had no intentions of glamorizing drug abuse and that the campaign was simply meant to be interesting and different. He claims that no individuals were meant to be offended. Martinez states that, "We regret that certain aspects of the promotional materials for Dior Addict may have nonetheless given rise to misunderstanding."

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